Terms of Use

Your access and use of the website ashleyskates.com (the “Website”) is subject to the following terms and conditions and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing the Website, you accept without limitation or qualification this Terms of Use Agreement.


Membership registration

The Website is membership-based. Any person requesting to become a member of the Website shall agree to the Terms and Conditions in advance, apply for membership registration in the manner prescribed by us and shall receive the necessary authentication information thereof.


Authenticity of registration information

When registering as a member, the user shall provide true, accurate and up-to-date information to us, and if there are any changes to the registration information, the user shall promptly notify us of the changes and the content in the prescribed manner. Ashley Skates® shall not be liable for any damage incurred by the user as a result of failing to submit such notification or registering false or inaccurate information.


Refusal or suspension of registration

Ashley Skates® may refuse or temporarily suspend the registration of a user if the user falls under any of the following grounds or if we considers that the user is likely to fall under any of the following grounds. In refusing or withholding the user registration, we shall not be required to specify the reasons for the refusal or withholding, the grounds for the refusal or withholding, the facts on which it is based and the applicable relationship.

1.If the user has violated in the past or are deemed to be at risk of violating these Terms and Condition.

2.If the user has violated the Terms of Use or any other terms and conditions of services provided by us separately from the Service.

3.If the user has received any disciplinary action from regulatory authorities, public entities or industry bodies.

4.If there are falsehoods, errors or omissions in all or a part of the information provided to us.

5.If the user registers for the purpose of impersonating a third party or having a third party impersonate the user.

6.If the user attempts to register by a method other than that prescribed by us.

7.If there is a risk of violation of the provisions regarding the elimination of anti-social forces.

8.If, in addition to the above, we consider the registration to be unsuitable.


Account management

Section 1 Management of Registration Information

The User shall take security control measures to ensure that only authorized employees can view the authentication information when the User receives a delivery or notification from us of the authentication information, or authentication information required for registration for use of data linkage with external services and shall ensure that such authentication information is properly managed under the User’s responsibility so that it can only be viewable by authorized employees and board members. The user is responsible for the proper management of such information so that only authorized employees and board members can view it, and to ensure that it will not be lost or leaked.


Section 2 Loss or leakage of authentication information

If the user has lost or divulged, or is likely to lose or divulge, the authentication information for the Website, the user shall promptly report this to us and request the suspension, interruption and reissue of the membership relating to the loss or divulgence, and other measures. In this case, we shall not be liable for any damage that may be caused to the user as a result of the unauthorized use of the relevant authentication information by a third party, unless there is a reason attributable to us.

Ashley Skates® Copyrights and Trademarks

Ashley Skates® owns the Website. Ashley Skates® owns or has rights to all of the wallpaper, icons, characters, artwork, images, graphics, music, text, videos, software and other content of the Website (the “Content”), and all HTML, CGI and other code and scripts in any format used to implement the Website (the “Code”). The Content and Code of the Website are protected by copyright. Except as set forth herein, you may not copy, modify, upload, download, transmit, re-publish, display for redistribution to third parties for commercial purposes, or otherwise distribute any Code or Content from the Website without the prior written agreement of Ashley Skates®. You may not use the Content or Code from the Website for any purpose other than those set forth herein.

All names, logos and trademarks which appear on the Website are the property of Ashley Skates®. You may not use them in any manner which is likely to cause confusion or in any other way without the prior express written permission from Ashley Skates®.

Your failure to comply with this Terms of Use Agreement will constitute breach of contract and will violate Ashley Skates® copyright, trademark and other proprietary and intellectual property rights. You may print in hard copy portions of the Website for non-commercial purposes only.

Liability: No Warranties or Representations

While Ashley Skates® makes its best efforts to include accurate and up to date information on the Website, it makes no warranties or representations with respect to the content of the Website, which is provided “as is”. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Ashley Skates® shall not be liable in any manner for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of data, income or profit, punitive damages and/or claims of third parties resulting from the use of, access to, or inability to use the information and/or the products offered on the Website or any damages arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website. Furthermore, Ashley Skates® assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damages to or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of or browsing in the Website or your downloading of information from the Website.

The invalidity of any term, condition or provision of the Terms of Use Agreement shall not affect the enforceability of those portions of the Terms of Use Agreement deemed enforceable by applicable courts of law.


Links and Third Party Websites

Ashley Skates® is not responsible for the content of any site linked to or from the Website. Linking to any other website is entirely at a user’s own risk. While Ashley Skates® may provide links on the Website to other sites, the inclusion of such links is solely for the convenience of the user. Ashley Skates® makes no representations and disclaims all warranties, express and implied, as to the accuracy, validity, suitability, legality or otherwise of any materials or information contained on such sites.


Usage Environment

Users shall prepare their own information communication terminals, operating systems, browsers, Internet connections, and other usage and communication infrastructures necessary to connect to our Website. Ashley Skates® shall not be liable for any damages caused by operational or communication failures arising from or in connection with the user’s environment or communication infrastructure.



When connecting to our Website, users shall endeavor to keep their antivirus software, operating systems, browsers, as well as other software and devices up-to-date and use an encrypted communication environment in order to prevent unauthorized attacks or intrusions into the service or user accounts by third parties. Ashley Skates® shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user due to these security defects, except for reasons attributable to us.



Ashley Skates® prohibits users from committing any of the following acts in connection with the use of the Website.


  1. Acts that violate laws and regulations, acts that offend public order and morals, or acts that violate this Terms of Use
  2. Use of malicious programs or any other unauthorized intrusion into or malicious attack on the computers of Ashley Skates® or any third party.
  3. Acts that infringe or may infringe intellectual property rights, rights to intellectual property rights, or trade secrets under the Unfair Competition Prevention Law of any third party.
  4. Acts that impersonate or impersonate another person or acts that may mislead as to the identity of such person.
  5. Actions that intentionally register false information with Ashley Skates® with the intent to commit an act of injustice.
  6. Any act that defames or slanders a specific corporation, organization, or individual.
  7. Excessive inquiries on the same subject matter, prolonged telephone calls, or other acts that interfere with our business.
  8. Acts that interfere with the smooth operation of our business or cause inconvenience to other users.
  9. Acts similar to any of the above-mentioned acts or acts that assist or encourage any of the above-mentioned acts.


Purpose of use of personal information

When handling personal information, we shall specify the purpose for which the personal information is to be used, shall notify or publicly announce such purpose in advance at the time of acquisition of the personal information, shall handle the personal information only within the scope of such purpose, and shall not use the personal information for any purpose other than such purpose.


Proper acquisition of personal information

When acquiring personal information, we shall obtain it properly with the consent of the person concerned or from a third party who has the legitimate title hereof.


Acquisition of specific personal information

We will not acquire the following specific personal information unless we have obtained the prior consent of the individual to that effect.

  1. Race
  2. Creed
  3. Social Status
  4. Medical history
  5. Criminal history
  6. Fact that the person has suffered harm because of the criminal act.
  7. Fact that criminal procedure has been brought against the person.


Automatic acquisition of personal information

In the course of providing Internet-based services, we may automatically collect the following personal information in order to initiate and maintain the communication connections required for such systems.

  1. The global IP address and port number of the Customer’s communications terminal
  2. OS, browser, hardware device, and language settings of the user’s communications terminal
  3. Screen information of the monitor used by the Customer ‘s communications terminal (screen resolution, monitor size, etc.)
  4. Other information automatically obtained for the operation of the communications protocol and JavaScript.


Provision of Personal Information

We shall not provide personal information to any third parties unless we have obtained the prior consent of the Users. However, provided that, we may provide personal information to a third party in the following cases (with respect to (2) and (3), only when possible consent from the customer is difficult to obtain).

  1. In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.
  2. When required to protect the life, body, or property of an individual.
  3. When especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children.


Cookie Policy of ashleyskates.com

This document informs Users about the technologies that help this Website to achieve the purposes described below.

Such technologies allow the Owner to access and store information (for example by using a Cookie) or use resources

(for example by running a script) on a User’s device as they interact with this Website.


For simplicity, all such technologies are defined as “Trackers” within this document – unless there is a reason to differentiate.

For example, while Cookies can be used on both web and mobile browsers, it would be inaccurate to talk about Cookies in the context of mobile apps as they are a browser-based Tracker. For this reason, within this document, the term Cookies is only used where it is specifically meant to indicate that particular type of Tracker.


Some of the purposes for which Trackers are used may also require the User’s consent. Whenever consent is given, it can be freely withdrawn at any time following the instructions provided in this document.


This Website uses Trackers managed directly by the Owner (so-called “first-party” Trackers) and Trackers that enable services provided by a third-party (so-called “third-party” Trackers). Unless otherwise specified within this document, third-party providers may access the Trackers managed by them. The validity and expiration periods of Cookies and other similar Trackers may vary depending on the lifetime set by the Owner or the relevant provider. Some of them expire upon termination of the User’s browsing session. Users may find more precise and updated information regarding lifetime specification as well as any other relevant information – such as the presence of other Trackers – in the linked privacy policies of the respective third-party providers or by contacting the Owner.


Activities strictly necessary for the operation of this Website and delivery of the Service

This Website uses so-called “technical” Cookies and other similar Trackers to carry out activities that are strictly necessary for the operation or delivery of the Service.


First-party Trackers

Storage duration: indefinite


Tag Management

This type of service helps the Owner to manage the tags or scripts needed on this Website in a centralized fashion.

This results in the Users’ Data flowing through these services, potentially resulting in the retention of this Data.


Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a tag management service provided by Google LLC or by Google Ireland Limited, depending on how the Owner manages the Data processing.

Personal Data processed: Tracker and Usage Data.



Whenever necessary or appropriate, Ashley Skates® may amend this Terms of Use at any time without prior consent of the user, within reasonable limits. When this Terms of Use are modified, the contents of the modified Terms of Use shall be deemed to be agreed upon by the user thereafter, unless the user immediately objects to the modification. In such case, Ashley Skates® shall publicly announce the fact that the Terms of Use has been amended, the contents of the amended Terms of Use, and the effective date of the amendment, for a reasonable period of time in advance.


Compensation for Damages

Users shall be liable to compensate us for any and all damages (including special damages, lost profits, and reasonable attorney’s fees) in the event that they cause damages to us in violation of this Terms of Use.


Force Majeure

With respect to the use of the Web Site, Ashley Skates® shall not be liable for any delay or inability to perform due to acts of God, natural disasters, war, war-like situations, civil strife, riots, strikes, enactment, revision or abolition of laws, large-scale communication failures, epidemics of infectious diseases, hyperinflation, or any other cause beyond its control.


Non-Warranty of Functionality

We do not represent or warrant that the specifications and operation of the website will be free from defects, malfunctions, errors, bugs, or defects in specifications, or that the website will be reliable, accurate, complete, valid, or available, and we shall not be liable for any damages resulting from such defects, malfunctions, errors, bugs, or defects in specifications. We shall not be liable for any damages arising therefrom.



Any dispute over the content or use of the Website shall be governed by the substantive laws of California and the jurisdiction and venue of any such action shall be vested solely before the ordinary courts of Orange.

This Terms of Use Agreement was last updated February 2023